Are we crazy, why are we doing this to ourselves?
You are supposed to be happy about the way you look. You are supposed to be above all of the “never ending media pressure” to be a size 2, have long blonde hair, be an executive of a fortune 500 company, have 2.5 kids, a large home (with a white picket fence) and of course, don’t forget the nanny, you have to have a nanny,(the husband part is optional though).
Now if you’re a guy, you would probably not relate to the weight issue, as men do not seem to care. They still hold on to that age old philosophy “the bigger the better”. Got news for you guys, philosophy doesn’t count for much when you are trying to finds your significant other.
So in answer to my first question: Yes, we are crazy. We should all listen to our mothers, who will tell us “Beauty is only skin deep and it is more important to be a nice person then it is to be a beautiful person”. We should listen to our mom, but let’s face it, we won’t.
Let’s forget the “looks” part of it and concentrate on what is really important, which is our health.
It is time to get off the couch and make the changes in our lives that will make us a healthier, happier camper.
Exercise is the key to happiness, exercise is the key to happiness, I keep telling myself this over an over again, hoping to get up the inspiration to begin exercising; so far no luck.
Hey wait a minute, lets make this fun, who say’s exercise has to be dull and full of pain? I’ve got a brilliant idea: I am going to take dance lessons.
Not just any dance lessons mind you; I am going to take lessons from a Star. Just the other night I was watching the news on ABC and on came this great looking guy named “Louis van Amstel, best known for his 3 hit seasons on America's most popular dance show, 'Dancing with the Stars'. If you are going to learn how to dance why not learn from the best? I have heard that he is a great dance teacher; and on top of that he is really handsome (not that looks are important).
I am going to learn all the greatest dance steps like the: Cha Cha, Salsa, Waltz, Tango, Sumba, Jive, Rumba and the Foxtrot; with Louis van Amstel as my own personal dance trainer; how can I lose?
The best part is, I am going to lose those extra little love handles that I have been carrying around with me lately; and have fun while doing it.
My girlfriend, who bought the 8 disc set a couple of months ago, is already dancing like a star. She says that the dance steps are really easy to learn and that I can practice them in the privacy of my own home; which is great because I am probably going to look like a fool for the first couple of dance lessons.
I don’t have a boy friend right now but that is not going to stop me. I am going to learn how to dance first and then I will finally have the confidence to go out

Watch out world, here I come; I will be leaner and healthier and KNOW HOW TO DANCE!
For more details click here
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